Things you’ve said to your college roommate

  1. Can you let me in? I forgot my keys
  2. Have you gotten out of bed today?
  3. Is it bad that I haven’t done laundry in a week and a half?
  4. Pray for me to pass this exam
  5. Will you judge me if I….?
  6. Dining hall or order out?
  7. Can today be over yet?
  8. Can life not be a thing today?
  9. Which filter?
  10. Is there good lighting over there?
  11. You deserve it….(we never do!)
  12. I hate this school!
  13. What did he say?
  14. Do I have to put pants on?
  15. Like my insta picture!!
  16. Would you still be friends with me if….?
  17. What would I do without you?
  18. This is why you love me
  19. I’m surprised your not recording this
  20. Do you think anyone delivers this late? (1 am)

And my own personal favorite…

~Please tell me you did not just order more makeup…?


xox Kenna ❤

Live a little

These are the nights I love. These are the kinds of nights that make the headaches and the the stress of college worth it. These are the times that we will remember of our time in college; the nights we spend with our friends, bonding and acting like anything but adults..

It’s often that Marley and I are dancing around and acting like we’re five, all the while taking snapchat videos and embarrassing the hell out of each other, and last night was no different. These are my favorite nights, the ones when homework can be put aside for a few minutes and we can just be silly together.

Tonight is spring ball, so last night was filled with all things girly preparation; doing our nails, prepping our hair, and trying out makeup combinations. I’m super excited for the boys to meet and for the four of us to have a great night. Lots of pictures will be taken, so be prepared 🙂

xox Kenna ❤


What is love?


22909What is love & how do we know when we’ve found the one?
Love is something that everyone is searching for, one of the only things that we all have in common. While yes people may have similar goals; graduating college, attaining our dream job, having a family, the details of these goals will be different depending on the person. But Love…Its a term that has a common association among everyone. We all want that one person who loves us unconditionally and who we feel the same about back, but how easy is this really?

Life is hard, and love is even harder. How do you balance work, school, family, and a relationship? It’s definitely not easy, maybe this is why so many relationships and marriages end…But how about those who have been married for decades? How do they do it? How do they wake up to the same face day after day, living the same unchanging life and manage it all? And how do we know when we have found our person? This is the most difficult question to answer and sometimes takes a while to decide, but I believe that there is someone out there for everyone.

From the time we are young, watching disney movies we have our minds set on finding our “Prince Charming,” little do we know that this will be one of the hardest tests life throws at us. MCAS? They’ve prepared us. Drivers test? Nailed it. College entrance exams? I can handle it….but finding “the one”? Soooooo not as easy as it’s supposed to be.

My freshman year of college, my sociology professor asked us to take out a piece of paper and make a list. He wanted us to carefully select a list of 5-10 characteristics that we would be looking for in a potential partner or spouse. He told us that we were to keep this list and when we got into a relationship, or were ready to take the next step of marriage, to reflect back to that piece of paper and make sure that this person had all of these qualities, make sure they were the one.

I still have this list, however it is not something I have memorized..I’ll have to upload it at some point, but one thing I do know for sure is that I have someone in my life that has easily hit the ball out of the park.

How did we meet? Well, it’s actually kind of a funny story…Have you ever heard of Tinder? Yeup…I am a real life “Tinderella” haha. For those of you who live under a rock… 😛 Tinder is a college “dating” app, that is more often used for hookups and booty calls, but if you’re lucky you just might stumble upon a good one. I have made two of my most important friendships from this app…But let me tell you about my boyfriend ❤

His name is Christopher and he has become my best friend. When I came upon his picture on tinder, there was something about him…Something that I couldn’t quite put my finger on…But then there was also the fact that right at the bottom of his bio read a challenge…and anyone who knows me, knows that I am ALWAYS up for a challenge. The bottom of his bio read: “[….] you will probably friend zone me”….right there, challenge accepted I said, and here we are, almost a year later and he’s somehow made it out of the friend zone.

Have you ever heard the quote “It doesn’t matter who hurt you, or broke you down. It just matters who made you smile again?” This is my Christopher. We met in a time where all I really needed was a friend. I needed someone to tell me that life was going to be okay, to make me laugh or smile when life was too much, and he did. We had time to become friend before we started dating and this was the best thing that we have ever done for our relationship, because I’ll always have a best friend before I have a boyfriend, and that is what’s really important.

Not only is he my best friend, but he is the type of guy that all girls hope to find. He’s the type of good that is easily taken advantage of because he loves you with so much of his heart. To all the girls who did hurt him and take advantage of him before me, I thank you because you have given me one of the most incredible men that I have ever met & I am so grateful.

So when you’re wondering where your Mr. Right is, my one piece of advice; don’t go looking for him because you might just stumble across him. Everything happens for a reason, so let it. Make sure that the man you’re with treats you how you deserve & makes you feel like you are the only girl in the world. You find that one man and you’ll never feel unloved again ❤


xox Kenna ❤